Main title

This is a main title

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Claude Monet was a famous French painter whose work gave a name to the art movement Impressionism, which was concerned with capturing light and natural forms.

He was born on November 14, 1840, in Paris, France, and enrolled in the Academie Suisse. After an art exhibition in 1874, a critic insultingly dubbed Monet's painting style "Impression," since it was more concerned with form and light than realism, and the term stuck. Monet struggled with depression, poverty and illness throughout his life. He died in 1926.

<p>Claude Monet was a famous French painter whose work gave a name to the art movement Impressionism, which was concerned with capturing light and natural forms.</p>
<p>He was born on November 14, 1840, in Paris, France, and enrolled in the Academie Suisse. After an art exhibition in 1874, a critic insultingly dubbed Monet
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Definition list definition 2
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Definition list definition 3
Definition list term 4
Definition list definition 4
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  <dt>Definition list term 1</dt>
  <dd>Definition list definition 1</dd>
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  <dt>Definition list term 4</dt>
  <dd>Definition list definition 4</dd>



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    <h1 class="hero__title">@wildmanrouse</h1>
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  <li class="tag"><a href="" title="">Tag 2 text</a></li>
  <li class="tag"><a href="" title="">Tag 3 text</a></li>
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  <li class="tag tag--inverse"><a href="" title="">Tag 2 text</a></li>
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      <td class="numeric">£14.95</td>
      <td>Text content</td>
      <td class="u-hidden-tablet">Cell content</td>
      <td class="numeric">£34.95</td>
      <td colspan="3">Footnote to table.</td>
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